As the late Oscar Wilde once said: “life is too important to be taken seriously”, an ethos thatJustin Martin is sticking with despite achieving soaring success over the last six years as aproducer and international DJ. Justin initially pricked the ears of the electronic music community in 2003 with his first record ‘The Sad Piano’ on Ben Watt’s Buzzin’ Fly label.
Feeding off the energy of the San Francisco underground, Justin was intrinsically involvedwith the development of Dirtybird records, appearing on its first four releases. Justin was soon ready to take flight, releasing a string of solo EPs that flaunted a very unique soundand garnered further respect among fellow DJs and heavyweights of the scene.
Music journalists typically describe Justin’s sound as ‘melodic and tough’ with his musicencapsulating both melody and emotional depth yet always with enough undeniable ass-shaking properties to translate to the floor.